Daisy’s Song

Mister, Mister, give me your answer do,
I’m half crazy, wondering what to do.
It can’t be a gin miscarriage –
You don’t believe in marriage –
I’m up the spout, but there’s one way out –
Just give me a bob or two!

Mister, Mister, give me your answer do,
I’m half crazy running round after you.
My sister says I’m a goer,
says you turned me into a whore.
I’m on the town so don’t you frown,
Just give me a bob or two!

Mister, Mister, give me your answer do,
I’m that flustered wondering what you’ll do.
A nipper’s not on the cards, love
and your wife’s heart is awfully hard, love.
You’d better watch out, you’re up the spout
If I don’t get that bob or two.

This poem refers to the homage to Marie Lloyd.